Healthcare project with mSafety wearable in Sweden

Supporting patients and care staff with IoT devices

Healthcare project with mSafety wearable in Sweden

Supporting patients and care staff with IoT devices

Health initiative in Sweden makes use of Sony’s mSafety

 A healthcare project in southern Sweden aims to assess the viability of digital tools for chronic renal failure. Its main objective is to increase patient’s independence and explore improvements to healthcare capabilities through IoT technology. The name of the project is shortened to 3MaKS, which stands for “Targets, Motivation, and Measurements for Chronic Illness” (Swedish: Målsättning, Motivering och Mätning vid Kronisk Sjukdom).

The project will initially focus on patients who have had a kidney transplant. This is an operation that leaves the patient with numerous medical responsibilities; the number of prescriptions, doses of medication, diet and lifestyle requirements are often too much for patients to keep track of by themselves. Digital tools have the power to simplify these responsibilities for patients, and make it easier for care providers to provide the service.

mSafety from Sony is the digital solution that’s currently being used by healthcare workers and patient representatives in this trial. The mSafety wearable device displays personalised data to the patient including notifications about, among other things, medication, diet tips and appointment reminders. It also informs medical staff about the status of the patient’s health in real time.

This particular healthcare service on mSafety is designed for these patients. By letting the patient take their service wherever they go, it enhances the patient’s independence as well as their quality of life – in both the long and short term.

The project runs until January 2023 and involves numerous partners: Innovation Skåne, Region Skåne, Lund University, RISE, Sony Network Communications Europe, miThings and Region Blekinge. It is being financed by Vinnova, Formas and Energimyndigheten via the strategic innovation programme, IoT Sweden.

To learn more about the initiative, read the article in Dialäsen (text in Swedish only) >>

For more information on Sony’s remote monitoring platform mSafety, visit mSafety’s website: >>