
Get started with utilization monitoring

To save costs commonly associated with running an office, you’ll want to monitor office utilization. Here’s the perfect guide to get your company started.

The secret to perfect space utilization

In the era of hybrid work, companies want to reclaim office space efficiency and not waste resources on facilities they don’t need. But how? Real-time data is here to help.


Sensors for office climate?

Bad lighting, sound, and air quality drag down occupancy levels at a hybrid workplace. Indoor climate sensors can help.

What's the point of an office?

The office we knew is gone. But many employers and employees can't decide what's next. Here's the latest research.


Guide to smart office sensors

What are they for? Which ones do I need? Here’s the perfect introduction to the wide range of sensors transforming workplaces. 

Partnership for sustainability

Sony and Fagerhult have a common dedication to making it easy for companies to improve resource-efficiency and employee well-being, through innovative office technologies.

Complete Nimway overview

It’s time to reimagine the office. Today’s new hybrid workforces come with real benefits, but they introduce unique demands. With Nimway, it’s easy to use your spaces well.

Customer story: Öresundskraft

Öresundskraft decided to use their workplace to drive company success. Here’s Nimway helped them become a more attractive workplace and increase office efficiency.



The technology behind Nimway

Dive into the suite of smart office technologies that make up Nimway, and help employees perform everyday tasks, like booking rooms, finding free desks, and reporting breakdowns. 

Introduction to Nimway analytics

If your company wants transformative office utilization data that it easy to interpret, Nimway analytics have got you covered. Here are the essentials. 

Why occupancy monitoring?

If you make decisions about your office spaces, you have a complicated task. And it’s even trickier without key metrics. How can you optimize your workplace when the details are missing?

8 questions office sensors can answer

After installing workplace occupancy sensors, gain deep insights to create better, more efficient spaces. Here are eight questions that no longer need to go unanswered. 

4 essential office occupancy sensors

These four occupancy sensors deliver valuable space utilization data for office optimization. They can also form the foundation for an enhanced workplace experience. 

Our approach to data security

Why do prominent Fortune 500 companies trust Nimway as their smart office solution? Because Nimway is based on a philosophy of security by design.

Best practices for workplace analytics

Here are 4 strategies for workplace analytics tools to right-size offices, ensure proper amounts of rooms, and adapt appropriately as your company grows.

5 office tech trends (2024)

The smart office space has a few key developments on the horizon. Here are the 5 trends every company should know about—from calendar systems to indoor climate.

Strategy in a new era of work

We talked with Neil Salton, senior workplace strategist, to find out what's happening to hybrid workplaces and what's in store for the future. This is what we learned.


Puzzled by workplace sensors?

Many workplaces make the same mistake when it comes to choosing sensors for monitoring office occupancy. Here's how to avoid the trap that comes with too many types of sensors.


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